
Body Fat Burning - A Proven Way to burn body fat

Body Fat Burning, most crucial task!

Tummy with side fat

Every buddy seeks various exercises to accomplish this task.

No Result! Failure! Frustration!

What to do? Which is the best exercise?


The answer is "Skipping Rope". Really!!!

Yeah! you will burn fat throughout your body by Skipping Rope.

Jumping rope for 10 minutes is equivalent to a 30-minute jog which means it's quite an intensive workout.

Jumping rope releases the HGH i.e. Human Growth Hormone which is your natural fat burning hormone. If you do this interval training routine for 15 minutes, you will definitely notice a difference.

Here are the steps:-

  • Stand in front of a clock or timer of some sort.
  • Jump Rope for 3 minutes to warm up.
  • Rest for 30 seconds
  • Jump rope as quickly as possible for 60 seconds.
  • Rest for 30 seconds.
  • Jump Rope as quickly as possible for 60 seconds.
  • Rest for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat this alternating pattern for 15-20 minutes.

Quickly mean- 
Single jump for each rope pass, not double jump.
High-speed as much as you can.

In addition, your core gets worked hard since your abs have to contract to stabilize your entire body as it propels through the air. So stick to jumping rope.
